Everything about delivery
Special shipments
Back orders
Is a product on back order? We ship out of stock items within 15 days.
Multiple products, different delivery times
Are the products in your order only partially in stock? Then the part that is in stock will be shipped. The part that comes from a back order will follow later, as a separate shipment.

Click on a question and read the answer in the FAQ below!
Where can I find the packing slip?
The new packing slip is on the back of the shipping label. This way, we save paper!
How to find your packing slip
Pallets made of cardboard
We use cardboard pallets (½ size) whenever possible! They are light and easy to recycle.
The delivery terms
All deliveries of goods and services of Reclosable Packaging B.V. (PouchDirect) are subject to the Terms and Conditions. Placing an order means that you have read, understand and agree to these terms and conditions. The full version of these terms and conditions can be downloaded, viewed or printed here.
Reclosable Packaging B.V. (PouchDirect) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amersfoort under number 08133630.